Corporate information


  • In 1979


    Thailand has been involved in satellite remote sensing since the launch of NASA ERTS-1 Programme in 1971 through Thailand Remote Sensing Programme (TRSP) under the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). In 1979, TRSP was elevated to become one of the NRCT's division, namely Thailand Remote Sensing Center (TRSC). TRSC serviced and promoted utlization of remote sensing data for management of natural resources and environment in Thailand

  • In 1982

    Set up as first of its kind in Southeast Asia

    Thailand Ground Receiving Station was set up as first of its kind in Southeast Asia. Then TRSC became satellite data distributor to users worldwide. The available satellite data are such as LANDSAT, SPOT, NOAA, ERS and MOS.

  • In 1993

    Coordainating and Promotion Section was founded

    GIS Coordainating and Promotion Section was founded under the Information Center of Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE) in order to promote the use of GIS technology and to coordinate among users with an attempt to set up GIS standards and GIS Index Database for data exchange at national level.

  • In 2000

    New Agency

    In order to enhance the utilization in remote sensing and GIS, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Public Organization) : GISTDA was established on November 3, 2000 as a public organization which assumes all responsibilities and activities for space technology and geo-informatics applications.

  • In 2004


    The THailand Earth Observation Satellite (THEOS) is the first operational earth observation satellite of Thailand. The THEOS program was developed by GISTDA, EADS Astrium, the prime contractor, initiated work on the satellite in 2004.

  • In 2008

    THEOS was successfully

    On October 1, 2008, THEOS was successfully launched by Dnepr launcher from Yasny, Russian Federation. Today, GISTDA is developing a worldwide network of distributors to allow the users to use and access to all GISTDA products.

Vision / Objective / Roles



    To be an organization that brings together the values of space technology and geo-informatics for the greatest benefit of humanity.



    Developing geo-informatics and space technology as a non boundary knowledge for the country development




    Under the legal provision of the royal decree establishing Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Public Organization) B.E. 2543 (B.C. 2000) Section 7, The Agency shall have the objects as follows:

                  (1) to develop space technology and geo-informatics applications, as borderless knowledge, to be beneficial to the general public;

                  (2) to study and analyse the satellite database and to serve as a centre for satellite based geo-informatics data and surveying data from other resources;

                  (3) to provide data services relating to space technology and geo-informatics including producing maps and other relevant services;

                   (4) to provide equipment, design, and other services through applying knowledge from space technology and geo-informatics to state agencies;

                  (5) to provide consultation and personnel development services in satellite remote sensing and geo-informatics;

                  (6) to study, research, develop, and carry out other activities relating to, or incidental to, space technology, including to provide and develop satellites systems;

                  (7) to be the core organization responsible for setting up standards for remote sensing and geo-informatics systems and providing services for verifying the implementation of the standards and encouraging the use of standards for space technology and geo-informatics;

                   (8) to support and provide service based on cooperation both at national and international levels.


TAG: gistda
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